Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Introductions, please

I must admit that I very rarely do things I deem "popular." Everyone and his dog seems to have a blog these days. Yet, I feel that I can participate in this without feeling overly counter-culture for a few reasons, namely, that I have a regular webpage that I update using HTML, that I keep a hand-written journal (using a calligraphy pen I might add) and the fact that I have things to say that people should hear.
It amazes me how people have readily accepted the tools of the nerdly classes as their own. Computers, the Internet have all now been bastardized by people who can't get enough pornography and IM. At least the nerdly inclined are profiting from it. As they say, "The Geeks shall inherit the Earth."
Within these two paragraphs you have been introduced to a few of the characteristics of my personality, like it or leave it (leave it, by all means go read someone else's blog, what do I care?). Pretentiousness and anti-pop-culture combine into a superior form of nerdliness that begets a person so extreme that you love me or hate me. Quite alright, as I tend to feel strongly towards people as well. Frankly, no comment anyone could post would hurt my feelings. As if anything some nobody said matters.
Because really, that's all we are on the Internet. Nobodies. We post into some void; words appear around the world on the screens of people we don't even know. It's not so much that we can pretend to be whoever we want on the Internet (although we can) but the fact that we don't even know who we are really, in real life, to be able to present a person to those we meet that we aren't even truly interacting with. Frankly, is there an actual self? What defines it? Where did it come from? How do we know if it is our 'true' self? With all this talk of self actualization, finding out who we really are to live our lives to the fullest, I propose that we really don't know who we are. To know, we must look deep inside the abyss of our black souls, a thought too frightening for most to even conceive of. I think what scares us the most is looking to find nothing at all...

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